Saturday, January 7, 2012


Ah Organization - the buzz word for every new year, almost as popular as dieting.  Is it a dirty word?? - does it have to be?  Anyone who knows me knows that I am very organizationally challenged!  I border on being a hoarder and if I didn't live with other people, things would not be pretty.  No this is not my space on the left but a link on Martha Stewart's web site. This is my goal - probably not one I will ever reach.....

Soooo each and every year and many times in between, I get very excited about organization.  For me it is the hope of organization - what could be.  I peruse web sites that show beautifully organized rooms, labels, shelves.  I spend hours looking at books and magazines, mark pages, save ideas and I really do attempt at least some of these.  If a magazine has an article on the cover with the word organization in it then I want it.   I try to look at myself as always learning - I will probably never be a very organized person - that is unless there comes a time in my life where I have no possessions at all.  Sad but true, but I try to make the best of this handicap  and I chose to make organization a positive ongoing process which will probably last as long as I draw breath.  Here are a few little things that I have learned that actually work for me without much effort.

  • I save shoe boxes (I know more clutter) but if your guy or anyone you know has big feet, the boxes are wide enough to put file folders in them.  You can do so many things with this sturdy staple - cover them with fabric or paper; use them for shelf storage; use them in the kitchen cabinets to hold all sorts of thing to keep your pantry organized and best of all they are free!!!
  • I save the little somewhat square tissue boxes after the tissues are all gone --- I know, I know.  Anyway - put an empty one on your dryer and put all of those lint pieces, etc. when you clean out the filter, in there.  When it is full, just chunk it.  Keep one near your sewing machine for all of the loose threads and trash - the uses are endless and when full, then you can throw it away - that is unless you find another use for it.
  • Shoe bags - I know this idea is not knew, but they are so useful.  Throw one on the back of every closet door, bedrooms, etc.  I even have one hanging in my laundry area for dog leashes, collars, shampoos, etc.  There are all kinds and some are very pretty.  If the slots are not clear you can have fun labeling them.
  • Notebooks - I can't say this enough.  Notebooks should be on the 12 step program for the disorganized!  Buy the kind with a sleeve in the front so that you can customize the covers and they can help you in every area of your life.  I use them for ideas, recipes, web site info, instructions for projects----the possibilities are endless....
  • Alpha File Folders - I picked up one of these years ago - it is like a big file folder with sections labeled for the alphabet.  I keep it in my file drawer and when I purge my paper in box, I do a presort into the letters that correspond with the items.  That way I am not so bummed about filing - it can be broken down into small jobs.  These can normally be found at office supply stores - hint:  They will fit into your big shoe box...
I will share more as I can - we can all share and learn together....organization is possible for the organizationally challenged-hoarder type people.

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