October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and I want to recognize a very special lady - Vick Riley with DinkyBaby.com. She is a breast cancer survivor and so much more. Vicki works tirelessly to help others in any way that she can. She donates patterns, materials, as well as profits from the sale of some of her patterns and way to much more to mention here. If you are fortunate enough to know Vicki, then you will know what a huge heart she has!! All of us in the DinkyBaby Yahoo Group would like to pay special recognition to her this month and hope you will too. Stop by the DinkyBaby Fan page and leave a message for Vicki - she would love to hear from you all! We can't thank her enough for all her support and generosity as well as sharing her secrets and knowledge!!
November is Prematurity Awareness Month for the March of Dimes and so fitting that we also recognize Vicki during November. Vicki created a special pattern for us to honor preemies and she donates a portion of the profits for each of these patterns. She also donated her prototype "Teenee Preemee" doll to SC Chapter of the March of Dimes and they use her in their teaching programs. You can find kits for this doll on Vicki's web site at DinkyBaby.com as well as a downloadable version of the pattern at www.linniepies.com.
Help us recognize Vicki and thank her for all of her efforts as well as recognizing her for all she does for those in need!! Send her a shout on the DinkyBaby FaceBook Fan page, purchase a pattern and let her know we appreciate her, or just visit her blog and leave her a note. Fall is our time to appreciate Vicki Riley and DinkyBaby.com!!